Hvað erum við að gera


Geimskrifstofa ætla að vera þjónustuaðili sem gefa hjálpar til að tengja fólk, ráð  og sjá fyrir almenn aðstoð til félagar. Þetta inniheldur allt frá hjálpar með heimildir til bjóða erlendir fjárfestar. Markmiðið okkar er að lágmarka kostnaðinn af geimskrifræði og hlúa að þróun.

geim lausnir

Geimvísinda- og Tækniskrifstofa ísland vil búa til geim-lausnir milli Íslandi og heimurinn


Við erum að þróa tækni sem get kanna alheimurinn


Við styðjum nýsköpunir sem geta auka styrkurinn fyrir geimskoðun


Við gefum tækifærin til nemandi til að taka þátt hjá geimverkfni okkar


The Space Cluster is what we call projects where entities must cluster together and combine skills to bid on larger projects. The Cluster is modeled after local clusters like Iceland Ocean Cluster and The Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines to name some.


The Space lobby is our political work where we make sure politicians and institutions are convinced of the benefits of investing and supporting a Space related industry. This is where we push for Science funding, ESA application, etc and try to speak on behalf of stakeholders



Small satellite for scientific research and cyber-security


Listening to the universe from Iceland


Live on the Earth as we would live on the Mars


Space Iceland was set up in 2018 and formalised in 2019. The Space Iceland project grew and became bigger than […]
Space Iceland NextGen researchers group 2023 from Copernicus 4 Energ, Copernicus & ABC lights, Access to Space and Digital Collection. Top from left: Salvör SIgríður Jónsdóttir, Helene Kröll, Michael Joseph Ericson, Gauti Leon Agnarsson, Yang Han. Bottom from left: Sophie Andree Marie Cariven, Arnheiður Gróa Björnsd Hafberg, Soffía Líf Þorsteinsdóttir, Juan Jose Colorado Valencia, Alexandra Chernyshova. NextGen researcher Maya Conteh - McKay not
Space Iceland is pleased to announce that this summer, we will be hosting 11 university student researchers through the Space Iceland NextGen Summer Jobs in Space program. The project is partially funded by the National Student Innovation Fund, managed by Rannis (The Icelandic Centre for Research), with additional funding provided by Space Iceland and the Promoting Copernicus project, supported by Landmælingar Íslands, the National Land Survey of Iceland, under the Copernicus' Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake. In line with Space Iceland's cooperative agreement with Bifröst University on space policy, law, and business development, Bifröst has generously provided office space, contacts, and support from their staff for this year's researchers.
Credit: European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-3 imagery
Credit: European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-3 imagery Four Copernicus calls for Horizon Research & Innovation Actions are currently accepting applications, and […]

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